Micro Mong amateurbuilt light sport aircraft, Micro Mong experimental lightsport aircraft, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.


Light Sport Aircraft Pilot is a directory of aircraft that generally fit into what are described as ultralight aircraft, advanced ultralight aircraft, light sport aircraft, experimental light sport aircraft, experimental aircraft, amateur built aircraft, ELSA or homebuilt aircraft in the United States and Canada. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.

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Micro Mong amateurbuilt light sport aircraft, experimental lightsport.

As I approach my 62nd birthday in a week or so it is comforting to look back over the more than 30 years that I have been covering this sport and see that others that I knew back in the late 70's and early 80's are still here with me, and doing well for themselves.

People like Dan Johnson, Paul Mather, Tom Peghiny, Bob Bailey, Mary Jones, Sharon Wilcox, Tracy Knaus, Randy Schlitter, Robert Baslee, Mike Loehle and Gerry Olenik to name a few.

At the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2011 I ran into my old friend Gerry Olenik. He might not get around as fast as he once did, but his energy and enthusiasm for our sport know no bounds.

Jerry has carved out himself several comfortable little niche markets. He is one of the leading sales and service outlets in the world for HKS aircraft engines, accessories and installation packages.

He offers sales and service for not only the HKS line but is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to Rotax aircraft engine troubleshooting.

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I saw Jerry fly into the show in a little all composite Quasar powered by an HKS engine. So I was a little confused when I later saw him setting up a display which featured a cute little welded steel metal bi-plane fuselage. Then the old grey cells kicked in and I remembered Jerry also has another market niche, he owns the rights to a couple of Ed Fisher's designs, one of them being the Micro Mong.

Over the years he has sold plans and component parts for the Micro Mong and last year decided to move a little farther into the market and while still selling plans also start producing kits. While the kits are not what some might consider "quick build" - all welding in the kit is done at the factory, the tubular spars are cut to length and pilot drilled.

The builder does have to build and assemble the ribs, cover and paint. The builder is greatlyMicro Mong amateurbuilt light sport aircraft assisted in the process with the number of digital images that are available, internet communications and a direct phone line to Gerry. According to Gerry to build a Micro Mong from plans will take roughly 1,000 hours. While building from a kit should take around 600 hours. Gerry also offers a builders assist program where a builder can come to his facility and complete a kit, or any portion of it that they want.

The Micro Mong uses conventional three axis controls in a taildragger configuration, with a center mounted stick and left hand throttle. Gerry indicates that when up and flying the plane can be compared to a "Clipped Wing Cub." The Micro Mong also makes a great float plane, with one owner being what Jerry calls the "Ambassador for the Micro Mong" because he flies it everywhere promoting the plane.

The original Micro Mong prototype was powered by a 28 HP Rotax 277, which "did a pretty good job."  Most Micro Mong's however are powered by engines of 50 HP or more, like the Rotax 503, and 582. Gerry's personal preference is the HKS line of engine which come in at the "perfect weight for the plane," "has an abundance of power," "great fuel economy and reliability."

With an HKS engine Gerry feels the plane should exceed over 1,000 feet per minute in climb, cruise between 70 mph and 90. Stall in at around 30 mph.

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Micro Mong amateurbuilt light sport aircraft, Micro Mong experimental lightsport aircraft, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.
Micro Mong amateurbuilt light sport aircraft - experimental lightsport aircraft



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