Craig Fuller AOPA President speaks during the LAMA dinner at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.


Light Sport Aircraft Pilot is a directory of aircraft that generally fit into what are described as ultralight aircraft, advanced ultralight aircraft, light sport aircraft, experimental light sport aircraft, experimental aircraft, amateur built aircraft, ELSA or homebuilt aircraft in the United States and Canada. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.

Light Sport Aircraft Pilot




Craig Fuller AOPA President speaks during the LAMA dinner

A.O.P.A. President Craig Fuller spoke to the group of lightsport aircraft manufacturers during the LAMA dinner at the 2011 U.S. Sport Aviation Expo.

During his talk he admitted that it wasn't until a couple of years ago that he really started paying attention to the lightsport aircraft category.

That it wasn't until he was introduced to it at Airventure that realized just how much excitement there was about the planes and the opportunities that this class of aircraft opened up.

He went on to say that during a trip to AERO show in Germany he was again amazed at the passion that aviation community was showing for their light sport aircraft community.

He commented on the need for the lightsport aircraft movement to succeed. That success will ensure that new people are brought into aviation, as well as keep people in aviation that are in the process of transitioning out of aviation for medical, and other reasons.

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He also used some very astounding figures to bring the point across that the industry has a problem starting at the flight training level. He indicated that only 20 years ago the U.S. had over 800,000 pilots, while today that figure is closer to 600.000 and is declining.

He went on to say that the industry is not pulling enough new people into aviation to replace those that are for one reason or another leaving. He reflected that the average student is now probably in the 40 age group. That some 80% of the people "that make the determination that they want to learn how to fly, decide they are going to invest the time, and money to become a student pilot, never make it to private pilot!" Which he believes "is something that no other industry or group would tolerate."

In an effort to find out why this, and to come up for suggestions and solutions AOPA is working with other groups across the country to address the problem.

While I listened to Mr. Fuller I couldn't help but feel that in some way he was still disconnected from the light sport aircraft movement. He spent a great deal of time talking about fuel for general aviation, and other topics that would probably have raised the attention of a general aviation pilot, but were in actual fact of very little interest to the group he was addressing.

For more information on AOPA visit


Craig Fuller AOPA President speaks during the LAMA dinner at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.
Craig Fuller AOPA President speaks during the LAMA dinner at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2011



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