Falcon LS light sport aircraft, Falcon LS experimental lightsport aircraft, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.


Light Sport Aircraft Pilot is a directory of aircraft that generally fit into what are described as ultralight aircraft, advanced ultralight aircraft, light sport aircraft, experimental light sport aircraft, experimental aircraft, amateur built aircraft, ELSA or homebuilt aircraft in the United States and Canada. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.

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Falcon LS light sport aircraft, experimental lightsport, amateur built aircraft.

For those looking a low wing, all composite light sport aircraft, powered by a Lycoming engine, that is produced and sold in the U.S. your choices are limited to just one that I know of and that is the Falcon from Renegade Light Sport.

"DOC" from Renegade Light sport was at Sebring with his Falcon LS, and to hear him talk this plane and Lycoming 233 fuel injected aircraft engine combination are just what the lightsport aircraft market has been looking for.

According to DOC "I liked it so much I just went out and bought the company" well in this case bought the design, and is now building the whole plane here in the U.S.

Then listening to customers he found they wanted to be flying on real aircraft engines, so he approached Lycoming, and is one of the first in the U.S. to have the 233 Lycoming installation in a lightsport aircraft.

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The engine uses approximately 5 gallons 92 octane mo gas per hour, cruising along at 120 knots at 2200 rpm! It can be serviced through any conventional aircraft service facility, and the 2400 TBO is one of the highest in the industry.

The Falcon LS is an all composite, low wing, side by side seating light sport aircraft powered by the 233 fuel injected Lycoming engine. It features dual sticks and rudder pedals with a center mounted throttle. It has a steerable nosewheel, with toe brakes.

The Falcon LS is also equipped with electric three position flaps and electric trim. Cruise comes in at between 110 and 120 knots, stall with flaps is 38 knots. The plane can be equipped with a full glass cockpit, the standard conventional six pack, or can be custom designed to specific needs. DOC indicates the Falcon LS flies a lot like a Cessna 172, but with three more inches in cabin width.

There is a rear storage compartment for short cross country flights that can handle 66 lbs, located behind the seats.

For more information.
Renegade Light Sport LLC
2721 N.E. Douglas St.
Lee Summit Mo 64064
816-282-8635 Cell 314-322-5660


Falcon LS light sport aircraft, Falcon LS experimental lightsport aircraft, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.
Falcon LS light sport aircraft - experimental lightsport aircraft



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