Viper SD 4 light sport aircraft, Viper SD 4 experimental lightsport aircraft, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.


Light Sport Aircraft Pilot is a directory of aircraft that generally fit into what are described as ultralight aircraft, advanced ultralight aircraft, light sport aircraft, experimental light sport aircraft, experimental aircraft, amateur built aircraft, ELSA or homebuilt aircraft in the United States and Canada. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.

Light Sport Aircraft Pilot




Viper SD 4 light sport aircraft, experimental lightsport, amateur built aircraft.

The Tomark Aero Viper SD 4 is a low wing all metal aircraft designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic. The plane has been on the European market for approximately five years.

The plane on display at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2011 is the first one in the U.S. and achieved LSA approval in October of 2010, with the F.A.A. actually doing the approval of the plane.

The Viper SD 4 is a low wing, side by side seating two place in a tractor configuration powered by a Rotax 912 S 100 HP aircraft engine, with the certified version available for flying at night.

Entrance and exit from the plane is very easy, with entrance from the rear of the wing via a step and hand holds on the top of the instrument panel.

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The plane is equipped with a cloth interior, with very comfortable seats. The cloth interior of the show plane was colour coded with the instrument panel. The panel featured a Dynon D100 and a Dynon D120 on each side of the craft. Between the two Dynon's is a center console which houses a Geo Pilot 2 AV Map system at the top, with a radio stack directly underneath it.

The Viper SD 4 features dual sticks, with the pilot stick housing a set of switches on the top for trim, and push to talk etc. The plane uses a center mounted throttle located on a center console directly underneath the radio stack and circuit breakers. The plane has dual rudder pedals, so it can be flown from either side, and has a center mounted brake handle that activates both main gear brakes. The plane is also equipped with a parking brake. Steering on the ground is via a steerable nosewheel.

The plane is equipped with just over 9 gallons of fuel in each wing tank, which should give approximately 4 hours of flying with a reserve. Tanks can be added to increase the capacity to 26 gallons. The fuel selector valve is located at the rear of the center console, and is clearly marked and easily accessible. The electric flap activation switch is located just in front of the fuel selector valve. Located directly beside the flap switch is a lever for disengaging a tow hitch, as the Viper SD 4 can be used for glider towing.

The bubble canopy opens rearward and upward and is secured by two very beefy latches on the left and ride hand side. Ventilation is supplied via vents on the canopy. The cabin width is 48 inches which allows two very large pilots to sit quite comfortably, with lots of shoulder, head and leg room.

When powered by the Rotax 912 S the Viper SD 4 climbs out at nearly 1300 feet per minute, stall in landing configuration is 40 knots, with cruise coming in at 108 knots.

Tomark Aero is considering moving the aircraft production facility to the United States. ?We feel we can produce the aircraft more cost-effectively here in the U.S.,? said Jan Pjatak, president of Tomark.

For more information contact:

7704 Cordova Dr, 
Frisco, TX 75035


Viper SD 4 light sport aircraft, Viper SD 4 experimental lightsport aircraft, Light Sport Aircraft Pilot News newsmagazine.
Viper SD 4 light sport aircraft - experimental lightsport aircraft



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